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Search in specific language is also available now. You can sort your results by Relevance, Date Added, Views or Rating and by specific Date range. STORIES - If you wish to search in some specific categories just choose them. You can sort your results by Relevance, Date Added, Views or Rating - Also results can be sorted by Duration and Date PHOTO - Search for photos in specific categories become possible. By the way if you refresh the browser's window all previously selected channels will be shown in the first place. VIDEO - You can choose the quality of video you wish to search for: ALL or HD only - All categories are selected by default but if you wish to search in some specific categories just click on them! - Also if you wish to avoid any transsexual and gay stuff just remove the ticks. Let's check the other possibilities we have. The most impressive change we've made is that now the search goes in a real time mode depends on the criterias you choose. Dear friends! xHamster is proud to announce the new Search engine that was integrated with Videos, Pictures and Stories! Search for porn was never so easy and fast before! Now it's absolutely compatible and easy to use on all modern tablet devices.

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